Sweet Pea works with our Mental Health Programs and We could really use your support!

Our Sweet Pea is going to need some help with a medical issue. Many of you know and love this sweet girl – she started coughing and we had the veterinarian out for diagnostics and it was discovered that she has a ‘foreign body’ stuck in her throat latch.
We immediately made arrangements to get her over to the emergency Veterinarians at Alpine Clinic in Glenwood Springs to do an ultrasound & scope. They did not have the proper equipment to fully assess and we now need to take her over to the Littleton Equine Medical Center so they can evaluate and remove the foreign body, probably something she nibbled on and got caught in her throat.
We are already accumulating veterinary expenses, which will be more once we get her over to Littleton. We could use donations to help with these emergency expenses, which will not only include veterinary care, but also fuel to get her over to Littleton and a stay overnight. If you are able to help us in any way we would be SO grateful!! No donation would be too small – gift cards go along way for travel expenses.
Sweet Pea is a miniature horse that came to us from Texas crammed in a horse trailer full of barrel racing horses. Sweet Pea was in the trailer with a mini mare, her mother named Mama. That is all we really know about the pair for history.
Sweet Pea was severely foundered and her feet were a mess. We have worked to try and help with her feet and try and keep her comfortable.
Sweet Pea is an adorable horse and everyone that meets her falls in love –
UPDATE!!!! Sweet Pea!!!!
Sweet Pea and Mama made a trip to the Littleton Equine Clinic late last week. We made the appointment to have more diagnostics concerning her throat issue and cough. After more testing they confirmed a diagnosis of pneumonia. There was nothing lodged her throat, she has pocket of infection in the front part of her lungs.
She is on heavy duty antibiotics for the next four weeks – then more testing to see if the meds are impacting the infection and clearing her lungs. She may potentially be on the antibiotics for up to 8 weeks.
She is doing well, despite losing some weight due to the illness. We are taking good care of this little lady and will post updates.
Sweet Pea is a miniature horse that came to us from Texas crammed in a horse trailer full of barrel racing horses. Sweet Pea was in the trailer with a mini mare, her mother named Mama. That is all we really know about the pair for history.
Sweet Pea was severely foundered and her feet were a mess. We have worked to try and help with her feet and try and keep her comfortable. Sweet Pea is an adorable horse and everyone that meets her falls in love –
Generous donations from many of you helped us take care of her initial veterinary diagnosis here in Olathe. We have accumulated more expenses getting her to Littleton, as well as the veterinary diagnostics and medicine.
If you are in a position to help further with Sweet Pea’s medical expenses we would be so grateful!!